It is an important part of our responsibilities at ESMS to help prepare your son or daughter for life after school and our co-educational Sixth Form experience plays a significant role in this, building on the extensive Careers Advice programme which helps pupils make informed choices about life after school as well as providing a full Personal and Social Education (PSE) curriculum.
Some of the activities designed to help your son or daughter discover more about future career paths which might interest them are as follows:
S1: Take your son or daughter to work day
S2: The Real Game and S2 Careers Afternoon
S3: Boys and girls are taught how to use the coaching model to make informed life choices.
S4: IFF psychometric testing and Careers advisor interviews. Careers Convention.
S5: Careers lunches, Talks from universities and FPs, Work Experience, French and German Work Experience exchanges, Business Breakfast, UCAS information evening, Careers Convention, Oxbridge conference.
Sixth Form: Medical Seminar, French and German Work Experience, Individual S6 tutors to advise on UCAS and other post 16 destinations.
We offer a full programme of speakers and events to help your child to discover their talents and skills and explore courses and industries they may not have previously considered. Recent speakers who have visited school include representatives from Dyson, Princeton, Stoats Oats and RBS.
We have also recently introduced ESMS Connect, an online networking platform for our Sixth Form boys and girls and for our Former Pupils, allowing them to connect with more experienced members of our school community for mentoring, support and advice.